Carimax® is a patented tablet formulation of Carica papaya leaf extract. It effectively fights dengue and is a life saver in many cases. The biggest problem with dengue is that about 80 to 90 % of patients with will have platelet levels below 100,000, while 10 to 20 per cent of patients will see critically low levels of 20,000 or less. In such cases, they are likely to be admitted to the hospital and receive platelet transfusions to prevent the possibility of internal bleeding. If the fall in platelet count is not arrested, there is a risk of death. Papaya  leaves are well-known to increase the platelet count. It the best remedy to increase the platelet count in fight against dengue fever. Being a natural product, its safety is assured and the effectiveness in increasing the platelet count has been clinically validated. Carimax® is an effective, safe, natural, clinically validated platelet booster. It improves & increases platelet production and aggregation. It helps increase the ALOX 12 (Arachidonate 12‐Lipoxygenase, 12S Type) activity by 15‐fold and PTFAR activity (Platelet‐Activating Factor Receptor) by 13‐fold to 14‐fold which consequently increases the platelet production. The possible mechanism of action includes, papaya leaf extract has membrane stabilizing property and could possibly prevent platelet lysis.
High alkaloid (Carpaine), enhances platelet count within 1 day. Highly concentrated 5.09% of alkaloid ensures lower dosage and better activity. Carimax®  offers alkaloid 2.8 times more than the available brands and  therefore it helps in preventing fall in platelet levels in the most effective manner. Thus we beat the competition by a huge margin through our more potent formulation. To aid the compliance to Carimax®, dosage can be reduced to 1 tablet, 2 times daily. Carimax® helps in maintaining normal haematocrit level. Significant improvement in WBC levels are seen in 21 days Carimax® reduces the need for hospitalization and saves cost for the patient.

Available in tablet form

Content: Alkaloid Rich Carica Papaya Leaf Extract

1 tablet twice daily or as directed by the physician