MAXAVAIL® D3 DROPS Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble vitamin that helps in absorption of calcium and phosphorous. Only when the calcium and phosphorous is absorbed and with a presence of right amount of vitamin D3 in the body, our bones can become strong. Vitamin D3 is thus used with other medicines as an effective treatment for low calcium or phosphate levels. The reduced level of calcium and phosphate might be due to disorders such as pseudo hyperparathyroidism, familial hypophosphatemia or hyperparathyroidism. Vitamin D3 is also used in renal disease to maintain normal calcium levels which helps in the normal growth of our bones. Rickets and osteomalacia like bone disorders are also treated with the supplementation of vitamin D. Why is the supplement needed? When our skin gets exposed to the sunlight, our body produces Vitamin D naturally. However, we have a limited exposure to the sunlight nowadays. In India, the Sun is so harsh that many a times it is not possible for the child to be exposed to the sunlight for enough time. This limited exposure to sunlight causes a deficiency of vitamin D, leading to weak bones and other diseases. Thus the Vitamin D3 supplementation becomes necessary in the children and even adults. Vitamin D3 drops are given in breast-fed infants as breast milk is deficient in vitamin D.
Maxavail® D3 drops contain the recommended daily dose of Vitamin D3 400 IU/ml. It is a necessary daily supplement for neonates, infants and breast feeding babies who are deficient in calcium or are babies born to mothers who are vitamin D3 deficient. With a healthy diet and the recommended daily dose of Maxavail® D3 drops 1ml, the babies will develop strong bones, muscles, teeth and a healthy immune system. The growth and development of the babies will be on the right track with the correction in deficiency of Vitamin D. The fruity orange flavour of Maxavail® D3 drops aids in compliance.

Vitamin D3 400 IU/ml

As directed by a Healthcare Professional