Maxavail® Junior is the combination of ingredients that ensure active, agile and cheerful kids. It offers a right formula for wholesome development.

DHA : Supplementing the diet with DHA aids in neurological and visual development. There are reports of DHA supplements being used to treat multiple health problems in children and some of these are attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),  and allergies. In children with ADHD, the deficiency of DHA is common as reported in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Colostrum is a breast fluid that is released before the breast milk starts to flow. It is responsible for maintaining good health and growth in infants and newborn kids. Colostrum also promotes immunity and thus helps fight infections. The gut health is improved throughout life with colostrum.

FOS means Fructo-oligosaccharides, which are chains of plant sugars. FOS is a rich source of soluble, dietary fiber and is shown to reduce, or eliminate constipation as reported in the journal Nutrients.

Choline is essential vitamin-like nutrient for a healthy brain. It improves cognitive function, prevents age-related memory decline and thus reduces the risk for Alzheimer’s disease.

Calcium is an essential element for growth and development of strong bones and teeth. It also assists in muscle contractions, nerve stimulations and regulating blood pressure.

This product offers a right combination of essential ingredients needed for building immunity, developing GUT and cognitive health, memory, strong bones and muscles. The colostrum present in this product promotes pro-biotic growth which helps in maintaining a healthy GUT. With a healthy GUT, absorption and utilization of minerals and vitamins happens optimally, resulting in an overall good health. An improved immune system fights the infections and helps in maintaining good health. Thus aids and ensures faster, better and uninhibited growth of the child.
Maxavail® Junior offers nutrition that is perfect for both mental and physical development of a growing child.

In powder form and a pleasant vanilla flavor

Two table spoon daily in 200 ml milk or hot water