Maxavail® Q 100 is a formulation of Coenzyme Q10 100 mg available in soft gelatin capsules made from vegan source.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is an antioxidant that our body produces naturally. CoQ10 is used by the body cells for growth and maintenance. With the increase in age, the levels of CoQ10 in your body decrease.It is a cofactor in the electron-transport chain, in the series of redox reactions that are involved in the synthesis of adenosine tri phosphate (ATP). ATP provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, e.g. nerve impulse propagation, muscle contraction, chemical synthesis and condensate dissolution. ATP is necessary for most cellular functions. For the good health of virtually all tissues and organs, CoQ10 is essential.

It is one of the most significant lipid antioxidants, which prevents the generation of free radicals and modifications of proteins, lipids, and DNA. The deficiency of coenzyme Q10 leads to the dysfunction of the respiratory chain. This happens due to the insufficient production of highly energetic compounds, which reduce the efficiency of cells. The concentration of coenzyme Q10 in the human body decreases in many diseases which are connected with more production and the action of reactive oxygen species (ROS).

For a successful pregnancy, CoQ10 is used as a supplement to boost up oocyte mitochondrial energy levels and functioning.

Being a powerful antioxidant and a necessary element of the mechanism of maintaining good health of every cell in our body, Coenzyme Q10 present in Maxavail® Q-100 acts as an Oocyte Rejuvenator. It is the mitochondrial power booster that energizes the cells and keeps them in a healthy and young condition. It provides the following predictable benefits that aids in pregnancy. Boosts up oocyte mitochondrial energy levels & functioning Offers significant improvement in:

  • Oocyte & Embryo quality
  • Reduced ovarian Reserves
  • Decreased ovarian ResponseCoenzyme Q10 reduces chances of abnormality in the chromosomes. It reduces chances of trisomy & aneuploidy. It reduces chances of miscarriages and improves chances of pregnancy outcome.

INGREDIENT: Coenzyme Q10
Available in Veg Softgel formulation.

As directed by a Healthcare Professional. Not to exceed the stated recommended daily usage